Sunday, September 2, 2007


My name is Danny Soileau and I am a senior animal science major at Clemson University. I was born in Sumter, SC and raised all over the world. Before my first birthday my parents moved to New Mexico for three years and after that, Panama City, Florida. We lived in Florida for four years and moved to Germany and then to Okinawa, Japan, and finally back to Sumter, SC. I have seen some pretty amazing things in the short time I've been around this earth and I don't take any of it for granted.
Random thoughts:
I love watching and playing just about any kind of sport, and I'm absolutely pumped for football season to be starting up again. I had an internship this past summer where I was working on a hog farm and I have to be completely honest and say that after that experience, I'm gonna be in school as long as I can. I have one brother who's a senior in high school and hopefully coming up here for school next year. I like to fish and hunt although I fish a lot more. I try to go home every now and then to fish with my dad in Sparkleberry Swamp (some of you may know where it is). A few weekends ago we went and caught 10-12 largemouth bass, a decent catfish, and what my dad likes to refer to as Moby mudfish, which pulled the boat for about 20 yards before jumping off. That's just about all I can think off at the moment but I'm sure I'll be back at some point.

note: I'm just about comuter illiterate as they come and have never had anything like a blog before so bear with me if there's some technical difficulties for a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So far, so good with the blog! =o)

I have tremendous respect for anyone who works with animals, keeping them healthy. We almost lost our kitty last week, and I truly appreciate what the Clemson interns working at our vet's office from veterinary science (which I think is related to your major, right?) did to keep her comfy and help her get well.