Sunday, September 23, 2007

Interview Articles

I chose to read the article on being too talkative in a job interview. This isn't usually a problem for me because I naturally tend to listen more than talk anyways but I did think it was very interesting that 36% of recruiters said that talking too much is the biggest problem in interviewing. The article also goes on to say that when someone is overly talkative it is often a sign that they are not listening to the issues at hand, but are more concerned with telling the interviewer about all their accomplishments.

Another interesting point in that I found in this article was that recruiters want you to be rehearsed but not too rehearsed. What I get from this is that when an interviewer asks you a question, you don't want to answer it too quickly. Basically, take your time answering questions, and if you know what your answer is going to be even before they finish their question, still take a minute and at least make them think that you've thought about your answer.

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