Friday, November 2, 2007

Free Topic (due 10/28)

Since I wrote my reflection on the mock interview process last week, I get a free topic of my choice this week.

Let me go ahead and say that this assignment is extremely late (by like 5 days). I do not know what it is about this blog thing but I cannot ever remember to do them by Sunday. I don't know if it's just me or not, maybe it's because I have never had anything like this before. We will get the blog assignment for the week in class and Angie always tells us it's due by Sunday. Sometimes I will actually remember to do it but 9 times out or 10 I forget until the last 5 minutes or so. The other 1 time I won't remember until Monday.

I think the main reason for me forgeting to do these blogposts is because I am usually fairly busy on Sunday's. Ok I take that back I'm not usually that busy but I spend most of the day sitting around relaxing (trying to take my mind off school) then about 5:00 or so I will go to the library and work on homework that's due Monday. The fact that I have homework that's due that night never even crosses my mind.

For whatever reason I keep forgeting, I have got to find a way to remember because I know that it will hurt my grade in the end, and I can't let such a simple assignment bring my grade down. I think what I am going to start doing is start blogging earlier in the week when it's still on my mind, or I am just going to set an alarm on my phone that goes off the same time every Sunday telling me to write on this thing.

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