Sunday, December 2, 2007


This week our blog topic was up to us. Angie told us to be creative... well I'm not actually that creative a person but what I am is random. So here are some random thoughts.

I just got done writing what could be my final lab report of my college career and that pumps me up (hope I do better than I have on my million previous reports)

I graduate in May which is just like 5 months away but it feels like I'll never get there. I have a job already so all I have to do is pass my classes which could be difficult considering I have to take 20 hours in the spring, it's going to kick my tail.

I went to the gun range yesterday to shoot my buddy's .45 and even though I was wearing earplugs, I still can't here anything out of my right ear. To be completely honest I'm a little worried about it and I'll probably go to deadfurn tomorrow to get it checked out.

So I'm sittin in the library for possibly the first time in my four years here on a Sunday night and I'm absolutely amazed at the amount of people in here. I had no idea.

I'm starving and have a lot more work to do at the house and to be quite frank the girl beside me is weirding me out a little bit so I'm going to the house. See you next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol - glad you safely escaped the library! =o)